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Students in the Hartt School’s flute studio are exposed to a comprehensive program designed for the student of superior talent and motivation whose goal is to be a professional performer. In addition to required course work, a performance major consists of three significant elements: performance, pedagogy, and career development. Solo, chamber, and large ensemble opportunities provide ample performance experience. Pedagogy classes ensure that all instrumental performance majors leave Hartt prepared as private teachers. Through classes such as Communicating with an Audience, Building a Music Career, and Orchestral Repertoire Class, students learn career development techniques such as contract negotiation, making a recording, stage presentation, preparation for orchestra auditions, and repertoire selection.

Studying at Hartt gives flute students a minimum of four hours a week with Professor Arms. In addition to weekly private lessons all flute students, regardless of major, attend two hours of Flute Performance Class. The emphasis in this class is on polishing and performing repertoire with piano accompaniment and receiving feedback from fellow students. This time is also used for master classes by visiting artists; recent master classes have been presented by Carol Wincenc, Judith Mendenhall, Emmanuel Pahud, and Cindy Meyers.


Looking for a multifaceted career? Consider our 5 year double degree program as you pursue music performance along with a music education or music management.



Flute and notes

Visit the Hartt Graduate Admissions Page for full details.



Scholarships are available to highly qualified applicants and are based on the audition.

Janet Arms, Senior Artist of Flute at the Hartt School, would be happy to meet with you if you plan to audition for admittance to the flute studio. Please feel free to email her if you would like to set up a lesson or if you have additional questions about the program. Contact information can be found here.

What makes the Hartt experience Unique?

Ensembles & Flute Choir

Technique Class

  • Boot camp style performing class featuring T&G, Wye, Anderson, etudes, Telemann, excerpt hot spots and every other difficult finger buster!

  • Technique class during your first semester will begin to cover Taffanel-Gaubert, Andersen Op.15, Telemann Fantasies, and the following extended range scales and arpeggios: major, minor, pentatonic, whole tone, octatonic, triads and seventh chords.

Studio Performance Class

  • Work with a staff accompanist to perform solo repertoire for the class, polish your performance skills, receive critiques, and improve your speaking skills.

Mentoring for Freshman 

  • Work with the upperclassman 2 hours weekly on improving your flute skills as the grads learn to polish their teaching skills. This is everyone’s favorite freshman class!

Stratosphere Flute Choir

  • An outstanding group that performs a concert at Hartt each semester as well as outreach concerts in the community.

Chamber Music

  • our outstanding guitar department gives many flutists the chance to work weekly with a duo partner, including coachings and monthly concert opportunities as well as outreach concerts.

  • other chamber groups such as woodwind quintets, piano sextets, etc. also available with coachings with our world class faculty.

  • culminating in midterm and final concerts.

Performance Opportunities

  • There are many fantastic performance opportunities at Hartt. All music majors are placed in one of Hartt's three major ensembles. Flutists also have the opportunity to participate in flute ensemble, chamber music, and Hartt’s contemporary ensemble Foot in the Door. To learn more about the performing opportunities at Hartt visit

Audition Practice

  • Each semester students audition for their instrumental performance organization in a blind audition with a panel. Students are placed in one of the three large ensembles, and receive written feedback for their audition. Undergraduate students benefit from eight simulated professional auditions before they leave Hartt.

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